3 days in NYC: an itinerary for first-timers

Grab a slice of New York life in three days
By Casey Makovich

Visiting the Big Apple for the first time? There's so much to see and do, you'll want to get organized. Here's our guide to spending three days in New York.

If you’re going to be spending three days in New York City for the first time, you’re going to want to experience the essentials. Central Park. The Statue of Liberty. Pizza slices as big as your torso. Stunning panoramas that, up until now, you've only seen on TV or in the movies.

This sample 3 days in NYC itinerary includes:

  • Central Park
  • Top of the Rock
  • Madame Tussauds
  • Brooklyn Bridge & DUMBO
  • 9/11 Memorial & Museum
  • Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island

But what do you do first? This three-day New York City itinerary will help you get a taste of what the city has to offer, and have you going home feeling like you got the most out of your first visit.

Looking for things to do in New York City?

Trust us. Standing in line for a ticket and juggling entry slips can waste valuable sightseeing time. It can also get expensive if you're intent on seeing everything the city has to offer. With The New York Pass®, you get admission to more than 90 attractions in the city with an impressive discount, compared to paying at the gate of each attraction.

With three days to use your pass, you can take your time and experience the best of NYC at your own pace or visit as many sites as you want each day. A sightseeing pass can help save you money and time so you can spend more of it in the city. Sounds good, right?

✈️ Buy The New York Pass® ✈️ 

NYC itinerary: day 1

Let’s kick things off with a visit to one of the most New York places: Central Park.

A view of blossom trees in Central Park, NY
Central Park in the springtime

Take a tour of Central Park

If you've never taken a guided tour before, now's a good time to start. Not only are walking tours a great way of meeting new people, but local experts always offer a wealth of insight. This guided tour will reconfirm your 'Elite Tourist' status. Central Park, as a sprawling green oasis featured in countless movies and TV shows, provides no end of interesting and fun facts.

Visit the same spots used to film iconic scenes, take a walk over all of the bridges, and enjoy the gorgeous statues and fountains located all over the park.

👉Tip: Make a reservation beforehand for any tour, and get there about 15-20 minutes before it leaves.

🎟️Getting in: Central Park TV & Movie Sites Walking Tour tickets are included with The New York Pass®.

Rockefeller's Top of the Rock Observatory

Enjoy a 70-story ride up an elevator to the top of Rockefeller Center. It houses a three-story observatory giving you a 360-degree view of the entire city, so be sure to take pictures of yourself and the skyline. Make everyone jealous back at home. It's a win-win!

👉Tip: Look up - you'll see the crystal chandelier in the mezzanine that’s actually an inverted version of Rockefeller Center. Also, check out the Breezeway Step light display.

🎟️Getting In: Top of the Rock tickets are included with the New York Pass®.

Madame Tussauds in New York

Visit famous people from different eras. You’ll find exquisitely detailed life-like wax figures of actors, musicians, and other classic figures from history. It's also a great place to take photographs with celebrities and prank all your friends back home by pretending you met them in real life. 

👉Tip: Stop by the interactive exhibits on display like the amazing Ghostbusters Experience and Kong: Skull Island.

🎟️Getting in: Madame Tussauds New York tickets are included with The New York Pass®.

NYC itinerary: day 2

Let’s get out of Manhattan and explore one of the other boroughs.

Brooklyn has a vibe all its own and makes you feel like you’re stepping into a different world. Rub shoulders with young hipsters (the median age of a Brooklyn resident? A spritely 34.7 years) and eat a Tootsie Roll where it was invented - right here. And with over 700 arts and culture institutions in this borough alone, you won't be short of interesting things to do. But, first things first:

Walk the Brooklyn Bridge and visit DUMBO

Take a guided tour of the Brooklyn Bridge; you'll want a guide full of stories about its history. Then head into DUMBO (Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass), one of Brooklyn's trendiest neighborhoods.

Explore the wares offered by different vendors and check out the restaurants offering various styles of cuisine; there’s always some sort of event going on at any given time. You'll get an awesome view of Manhattan from here, so take as many pictures as you can!

👉Tip: Reconnect with your inner child by taking a ride on Jane’s Carousel.

🎟️Getting in: The Brooklyn Bridge and DUMBO Neighborhood Tour tickets are included with the The New York Pass®.

A view of Brooklyn Bridge, NY
Take a tour of the Brooklyn Bridge

Step into Williamsburg

If you’re able to tear yourself away from DUMBO, head over to Williamsburg for more Brooklyn exploration. Get a glimpse of some real New York street art, and stop by the various clothing boutiques in the neighborhood where you can find real vintage style.

Find out more about the history of Brooklyn and its evolution into a mecca for young, upwardly mobile people. Not everyone in the area is happy about gentrification. Hear both sides of the argument for and against the new side of the area.

👉We recommend: Visiting Mast Brothers Chocolate to satisfy your sweet tooth.

Walk through the Brooklyn Botanic Garden

Finish off the day by strolling through all the beautifully maintained gardens; you’ll find different types of plants and horticulture techniques in each one. Then, take a load off and enjoy some plant-based cuisine at the Yellow Magnolia Café.

👉Tip: if you’re there in April, visit Cherry Esplanade to see all of the gorgeous cherry blossoms in bloom. Stop by the Sakura Matsuri cherry blossom festival if it’s going on while you’re there.

🎟️Getting in: Brooklyn Botanic Garden tickets are included with The New York Pass®.

NYC itinerary: day 3

On the final day, we head back to Manhattan and finish things off in style. The choice is yours: go to the site of New York’s biggest heartbreak, or visit the biggest icon in the world.

Statue of Liberty view from the river
See the iconic Statue of Liberty

Take in the Ground Zero Museum Workshop

This workshop has images and artifacts documenting one of the worst days New York has ever experienced. You’ll hear about the stories behind these items, and get the chance to take home a piece of this history.

🎟️Getting in: Ground Zero Museum Workshop tickets are included with The New York Pass®.

Pay your respects at the 9/11 Memorial & Museum

After leaving the workshop, head over to visit the 9/11 memorial, set up on the site where the Twin Towers once stood. View exhibits highlighting the differences in New York before and after the tragedy. You’ll also get the chance to hear directly from a survivor of that day.

🎟️Getting in: 9/11 Memorial & Museum tickets are included with The New York Pass®.

❗We'd recommend doing this or Ellis Island. Even though they're near each other in the Financial District, each site takes around four hours to walk around. Your feet will thank you!

Visit Ellis Island and the Statue Of Liberty

Get the arrivals-eye view of New York and see what immigrants saw: Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty. You’ll take a cruise from Battery Park, getting the chance to view other NYC landmarks on your way to Ellis Island.

Once there, read up on the stories of the millions of people who made their way to America looking for a fresh start. Then take pictures of Lady Liberty herself, gifted to the US in 1886 by France to mark the abolition of slavery. Once there, don't forget to visit the Statue of Liberty Museum.

👉Tip: Take in the 10-minute Immersive Theater experience.

🎟️Getting in: Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island Immigration Museum tickets are included with The New York Pass®.

❗Tickets to the Statue of Liberty pedestal and crown are sold separately and require advanced reservations.

See the very best of New York

In just three days in NYC, you can immerse yourself in some of the most iconic sights and landmarks with The New York Pass®, all on one pass, all for one price. Not only that, but you'll enjoy savings of up to 50%, compared to buying individual attraction tickets.  

✈️ Buy The New York Pass® ✈️ 

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Beat The Heat in NYC This Summer

Summer is well and truly upon us, at once awesome and yet unbearable in its glory. There’s still a few months of sun left (fingers crossed) to explore all the wondrous delights that New York has on offer. But it’s also hot. Very, very hot. All those tall, glass, sky-scraping behemoths and streets paved with tarmac mean that NYC scorches like no other. Still, you’ll want to make the most of the sunshine before it skedaddles for another half year, so here are some of the best ways beat the heat in NYC this summer. Water is your friend, human Water is brilliant, isn’t it? Not only does it make up 70-odd percent of your flesh body, it’s also pretty neat to drink too. You should be drinking 2-3 liters a day, and that’s never truer than when the sun’s beating down. Your best bet is to carry a reusable bottle around with you. Not only can you fill it up at one of the many water fountains around, but you’ll also be super environmentally friendly. If only people had been as conscientious as you over the past century. Maybe things wouldn’t be so hot. Of course, if you’re already out with no water bottle of your own, you can pick one up from any number of shops and stands around town. Remember to stay hydrated on the subway too. Not all of them are air-conditioned, and the ones that aren’t can become a humid kind of hell. Dress to impress (your body's temperature) Dare to get those pasty legs out in a sundress or a pair of shorts. Freedom is key – anything tight or heavy is only going to make you sweat buckets. That’s not pleasant for you. Or for anyone else who might be within smell-shot. Are you brave enough to don a pair of sandals or flip flops too? O’ courageous one, we salute you. Or just run away from the sun Of course, if it all gets a bit much and you want to seek the safety of a beautifully air-conditioned building, there’s plenty of inside hilarity to be had too. Fancy a little culture to go with the cold air? There are museums aplenty. Looking for a little summer spending spree? Try the innumerable shops. Or if you’re starving, stop by a local restaurant and pray they have air-con. Ice cream, you scream, everybody screams As if you needed an excuse. What better way to beat the heat in NYC this summer than with the ice-cold, sugary delights of ice cream? You’re sure to find ice cream vans on most street corners, so go exploring. Vegans can even have their chilly tastebuds sated at one of the renowned Van Leeuwen shops around town. Just cruisin' Miss all of the hustle, bustle and blazing microclimate of the city by backflipping on to a boat. Sweet moves. If you’ve never seen the city by sea, then you haven’t even lived. There are plenty of options too. Take a Circle Line Sightseeing Cruise, and catch a glimpse of NYC’s iconic skyline with the glorious breeze running over you. Close your eyes and imagine it. Excellent. Or go say hi to Lady Liberty on the retro Shearwater Classic Schooner. Either way, you’re bound to beat the heat in style. Them’s just some of the ways to beat the heat in NYC this summer. If you're ready to take o New York armed with all of our tips, here are some of the best things to do this summer.
Dom Bewley

Cab Etiquette In NYC: All You Need to Know

We’ve all been there. You stayed out a little later than you planned, and you’re a little worse for wear. You need to go to bed, but the city’s unfamiliar to you. The public transport maps might as well be Jackson Pollock paintings. So you do what every single person does in films and TV shows based in New York. You raise your hand, and within seconds a yellow cab’s pulled up beside you. Hopefully you’re on your way in seconds and home safe and sound, but if anything seems off or you need help and advice, read on. Here’s what you need to know about cab etiquette in NYC. Can a cab driver ever refuse me service? Yes, but only if the trip is more than 12 hours long, or if their ‘taxi’ light is off. 12 hour+ journeys are against the law in the US, and only taxis with their lights on are currently working. If you’re staying far out of the city centre, perhaps get in the cab before telling them where you’re going. It might seem sneaky, but once you’re in their cab they are legally obligated to take you to your destination. Crazy, right? My taxi is loud and uncomfortable. What can I do? A lot, thankfully. Riders have rights too, after all. If your driver is on a call or using their phone, they’re being super illegal. Feel free to remind them. If the cab is too hot or cold, depending on the time of year, you can also request they put the air con/heating on. And if their music is too loud, by all means, politely ask them to turn it down or off. Just don’t berate their choice of genre. However, if the driver refuses these, or any reasonable requests, you have the right to get out at any time. And remember to take down their medallion number if you want to make a complaint. It’s on their licence plate, the hood of the taxi, and on your receipt if you request one. What if I’m being loud, and making the driver uncomfortable? Firstly, why...would you... do that? Secondly, while drivers have no legal grounds to ask you to keep it down, have some respect for them. And for yourself. Driving a taxi all day is exhausting, and navigating the hectic streets that never sleep requires concentration. Cab etiquette in NYC, or anywhere works both ways. Be respectful, and you’ll likely earn their respect. And a safer and quicker journey home, too. Should I stare at them creepily through the rear-view mirror? No. No, don’t. Why would you even...? How much should I tip? Tips are big business in New York, as they are in the rest of the US. But sadly you’ll be expected to pay over the odds in the Big Apple. 20% of the fee is the recommended amount. If you’re paying with card instead of cold hard cash, the amount of gratuity will automatically be added to the charge. It could go as high as 30%, so keep that in mind if you’re squeezing pennies. Of course, if you’re an out-of-towner and they’ve been helpful with info or recommendations, why not be a nice little human and show them your gratitude with money? Tipping’s the best way to thank them, but if you want to go above and beyond because they did, hop on the nyc.gov website and leave a glowing review, you selfless beauty. If the driver asks for cash, is it OK to use my card instead? Yes. Every taxi in NYC is required by law to take card, so if your driver says they don’t have a machine or that it’s broken, it’s a ruse. Persist, and victory will be yours. Drivers may also mention they’ve selected ‘Cash’ instead of ‘Card’ and that they can’t reverse the decision. This, too, is a ruse. Stay strong, and wait for the card machine. It’s simply a case of them pressing a single button to make it happen. Also get your receipt - it contains lots of vital information like their medallion number which you’ll need if you lose something in the cab, or want to make a complaint. That’s what you need to know about taxi etiquette in NYC. We hope these tips help. Of course, we’re always open to suggestions, so if you have any other top tips you’d like to add, let us know in the comments below! Stay safe, travelers. Has this cab etiquette in NYC blog satisfied your itch for all things New York? No? Still prefer public transportation? Sure thing, here's more about the metro system in NYC.
Dom Bewley
ride nyc

A Guide to The RIDE & Tips for your Trip

The RIDE is a new way to see New York. This theatrical experience puts a twist on the age-old bus tour format thanks to the hilarious commentary of two comedic hosts, the stadium-style seating on the bus providing you with 360 degrees of amazing views, and even the chance for a spot of impromptu karaoke! And, of course, you'll have the chance to see all the biggest landmarks that New York has to offer, and with the unrivaled freedom courtesy of floor-to-ceiling windows inside the vehicle, your phone better have enough memory for the countless snaps you'll be taking! How to get The RIDE discount tickets? We’ve got you covered – The RIDE admission is available with the below money-saving options, so you can choose the attraction pass that’s right for you: 1. All-Inclusive Pass – All you can do. Includes admission to dozens of attractions. 2. Explorer Pass – Choose as you go. Includes admission of up to 10 attractions. Tips for riding The RIDE As one of the newest, hottest attractions in New York, The RIDE is incredibly popular. As such, we recommend you book it far in advance of your trip - we wouldn't want you to miss out! You'll be spending around 75 minutes on your ride sitting down. So, be sure to wear something you're comfortable sitting in for that long! Perhaps leave those high-waisted jeans at home... Make sure to pack a camera with plenty of film, or make sure you've got enough space on your phone - you'll be taking lots and lots of photos, and you won't want to miss any of the surprising sights and sounds you'll see! When is the best time to experience The RIDE? Since you're in a sealed vehicle, really you can check out The RIDE at any time of year! However, you're likely to see more activity going on outside the bus when the weather's good, so think about hopping on from the beginning of spring to the end of summer. What is there to see and do on The RIDE? Take your seat on the three-tiered, stadium-like bus seats, and buckle up for a ride you'll never forget. Listen to the guides as they weave hilarious tales of Big Apple Hijinks, look on as you see street performers strutting their stuff, and snap pics of all the biggest highlights of New York's skyline. The RIDE highlights Be on the lookout for New York's most iconic landmarks, such as Times Square, the Chrysler Building, the Empire State Building, Central Park, Carnegie Hall, and many more! Enjoy 360-degree views of the city thanks to the floor-to-ceiling windows across the whole of the bus. Split your sides thanks to the hilarious running commentary provided by your two comedic guides. See all the city's hotspots in under 2 hours. What attractions are near The RIDE? The famous Times Square is right around the corner, if your RIDE by gave you the itch to see more. You'll also find Madame Tussauds and the MOMA a stone's throw from the pick up point. Where is there to eat nearby? If you're in the mood for an authentic New York slice, Pizza 42 is right across the street. For fast food lovers, there's an Applebee's, Dave & Busters, Chick-fil-A, and Mcdonald's a short walk from the pick up point. If you're in the market for something heartier, you're in New York! Go explore and see what you find! Need to Know For the full schedule of operation for The RIDE, visit their website here. Tours will be canceled for severe weather or mechanical issues. Directions and Address Departs from 259 West 42nd Street near 8th Avenue. New York, NY 10036 United States Closest Subway Stops A, C, E, or S trains to Port Authority/42nd Street; 1, 2, 3, N, R, Q, or 7 trains to Times Square/42nd Street. Save on Tickets with a pass Remember, Go City is the best choice for maximum savings and flexibility, which can include The RIDE tickets, plus admission to your choice of other top attractions. You'll make great savings on entry to top museums, tours, and activities vs. paying at the gate. Visit multiple attractions for one low price.
Dom Bewley

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