New York City tourism: how safe is NYC for tourists?

By Go City Expert

People walking in NYC

TV, news and social media might have you wondering, 'how safe is NYC for tourists?' But we're here to put your mind at ease: the truth is that New York City is one of the safest big cities in the world.

Visitors are constantly under the protection of the city's vigilant police force. Having said this, that doesn't mean that you don't need to be cautious to stay safe. If you're visiting New York and you're wondering if New York City is safe, do some research to prepare yourself for your trip.

Familiarizing yourself with the city's hazards, and being pragmatic, and prepared is all you need to ensure peace of mind.

How safe is NYC for tourists?

The crime rate is relatively low in New York City. When crimes occur they usually don't take place in tourist-heavy areas around Manhattan. For example, most sightseers are unlikely to visit Harlem, the Bronx, or other boroughs where crimes are most likely to occur.

That being said, there are a few things a tourist in New York City should be wary of.

Is Central Park safe at night?

As any local will tell you, it's never a good idea to go through Central Park at night. While Central Park is an iconic tourist attraction during the day, it is technically supposed to be closed late at night and in the early hours of the morning.

The vast majority of cases of crime and violence in the park occur at night. It may seem tempting to take a stroll in Central Park after dark, but it's safer to wait for the sun to come up. Generally speaking, you want to stay away from areas of the city when they are empty and deserted.

Is the Financial District safe?

Many commercial areas of the city like the Financial District tend to become deserted after business hours. The fewer people there are in an area, the less safe it's likely to be in a big city.

Is the New York subway safe?

It's especially important to be vigilant on the subway in New York, and avoid taking the train late at night if possible. If you're riding the subway, try to stay in cars where there are many people rather than choosing a vacant car. Being in an empty train car isn't a safe option for tourists, particularly if you look lost (or are actually lost) or are new to the city. 

Probably the biggest threat in New York is pickpocketing. Protect yourself by wearing a wallet on the inside of your clothing and staying away from panhandlers.

Tips for staying safe in NYC

People walking in New York

❗Try to look like a local. When you're dressing for sightseeing, try to take note of what the locals are wearing and emulate that if you can. If there's a thief or pickpocket around, they're going to target those who seem unfamiliar with their surroundings. Don't openly wander around with your head buried in a map - familiarize yourself with NYC's grid system, and plan your movements over breakfast or brunch. Soon you won't need a map to travel.

❗Keep your valuables well hidden. To avoid pickpockets, always make sure that your valuables are hidden. Be discreet when you're using your smartphone or a digital camera. Showcasing any valuable possessions regularly could prove to be dangerous and make you a prime target for mugging.

❗Travel in groups when you're unfamiliar with an area. If you're not familiar with the city and you're vacationing in a group, try not to go off by yourself. Being alone and obviously from out of the area could make you a target if you have the misfortune of finding yourself around the wrong people. There are plenty of tours available with The New York Pass®

❗Research destinations before you go. The more research you do, the better able you'll be to find what you're looking for. The website is a great place to start for researching essential information to help you feel like a local before you get there.

❗Ask police officers for help. During your stay in New York City, you're probably going to see many of the ubiquitous NYPD cars and officers. You can expect New York City police officers to be very helpful when it comes to providing directions, and addressing any concerns you have about safety or dangerous situations.

❗Take extra precautions in touristy places like Times Square. Never leave your valuables unattended - and don't put your purse on the floor or hang it off the back of your chair while dining.

Remember, asking if NYC is safe doesn't matter if you disregard all precautions, so just because NYC is considered one of the safest cities in the world to travel to, you still need to be careful in any city that is considered safe to visit.

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Yellow taxis in the traffic in NYC

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MoMA Opening Anniversary

[caption id="attachment_1293" align="aligncenter" width="390"] Museum of Modern Art | MoMA[/caption] MoMA Widely regarded as one of the great art museums that the world has to offer, the Museum of Modern Art is a treasure in New York City. On May 10th of 1939, the museum opened the doors to its new permanent home at 11W 53rd Street. Prior to this, the museum had been renting space from the Heckscher building which is now The Crown Building located at 730 5th avenue. The move was very necessary for the MoMA as they continued to grow and collect more pieces of modern and contemporary art. However there were still plans of improvements and additions to be made to the museum. Additions In 2006, the Japanese architect and designer Yoshio Taniguchi put together a design that would add 630,000 square feet to the MoMA’s building. This gives the museum a very spacious feel, allowing you to enjoy each piece as you walk from one exhibit to the next. The extra space in the museum also comes in handy for one of the most popular museums in the world being that they receive so many visitors throughout the year. In 2015 the Museum of Modern Art welcomed north of 3 million guests who stopped by to admire their collection. [caption id="attachment_1295" align="alignleft" width="500"] Museum of Modern Art | @themuseumofmodernart[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1296" align="alignright" width="500"] Museum of Modern Art | @themuseumofmodernart[/caption] Collection Over the decades, the MoMA has been able to put together quite an impressive collection of pieces that they have displayed within the museum. Their library consists of over 15,000 paintings now. Some of the notable artists that have been showcased in the MoMA's collection include Frida Kahlo, Roy Lichtenstein and of course Pablo Picasso. Throughout the year, visitors are welcome to view the changing exhibits at the MoMA. The museum's hours are as follows: Sunday - Thursday (10am - 5pm) Friday (10:30am - 8pm) Something that New York Pass holders will really enjoy about visiting the MoMA is the Fast Track Entry. The museum offers a Fast Track line which is accessible with your NY Pass. You'll be able to avoid the long general admission line and join a shorter line for entrance. That way, you can get right to enjoying the museum. If you're interested in visiting the Museum of Modern Art, visit our webpage for more information.
Go City Expert

Clipper City Tall Ship Returns

[caption id="attachment_1286" align="aligncenter" width="568"] Clipper City Tall Ship | Photo by @manhattanbysail[/caption] The weather has finally lightened up in New York City and it appears to be at just the right time. Now that we can finally hang up our coats and enjoy the sunshine, many people will be looking for a nice cruise to relax and view what NYC has to offer. Luckily, today marks the return of Manhattan By Sail's famous Clipper City Tall Ship and Shearwater Classic Schooner. Clipper City Tall Ship Although the original ship was decommissioned in 1890, the Clipper City Tall Ship was rebuilt just 4 years later by architects DeJong and LeBet. Some of the best views of lower Manhattan can be captured on the ship's 90 minute ride from the south end of Battery Park. The ship departs twice daily at 2:15 pm and 4:30 pm from now until October 9th and there's plenty of room as each cruise holds approximately 130 people on its 158-foot frame. Some of the great sights captured on the cruise include the Brooklyn Bridge, Governor's Island and also Ellis Island so make sure to keep a camera handy. [caption id="attachment_1288" align="aligncenter" width="542"] Shearwater Classic Schooner | Photo via @manhattanbysail[/caption] Shearwater Classic Schooner Another historic ship making it's return today is the Shearwater Classic Schooner. First launched in May of 1929, the Schooner has quite a long rap sheet. Aside from ushering a leisurely cruise, The ship has also served as a member of the United States Coast Guard's Coastal Picket Patrol during World War II and has been honored as a National Landmark in 2009. The Schooner sails everyday of the week, offering 90 minute cruises, similar to the Clipper City Tall Ship. Below is the schedule for the Shearwater Classic: Monday - Friday: 12:30 pm and 2:45 pm Saturday: 12 pm and 2 pm Sunday: 2 pm Be one of the first people to ride the Clipper City Tall Ship and Shearwater Classic Schooner this season using your New York Pass. Also, visit our website for more cruises being offered during this time of year.
Go City Expert

Things to do in New York during COVID

It’s still summer out there but creeping into fall, and with most of us having spent the best part of the year indoors, you’re wondering how to make the most of all the sunlight and slightly cooler temperature. This 'things to do in New York during COVID' list has been designed to take in your key considerations during this time including: Be safe. Get active! On Location Tours: Central Park Filming Location Walking Tour Did you know that Central Park’s 18,000 trees play a critical role in fighting climate change by cooling the urban heat of Manhattan? Team your appreciation for stunning outdoor spaces (and everything they do for us) with your love of entertainment, while getting your step count up. Join an On Location Central Park TV & Movie Sites Walking Tour to visit the places your favorite movies were shot. Step into the shoes of Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone 2 and feed the pigeons. Visit the Boathouse Café used in When Harry Met Sally. Your expert guide will point out key locations from iconic movies to ensure that you swap passing by for being part of the action! There are also some points to consider on the timing of your visit here so read is New York Safe for further tips. Availability: Daily Ages: All ages Duration: 2 hours Great for: Entertainment and nature lovers, outdoor types, sightseers, local explorers Booking Type: Pre-book or join free with The New York Pass Virtual TCS Marathon The great thing about a crisis is that creative minds among us think of inventive ways to the things they love uninterrupted. So while most conventional marathons are cancelled, for now, New York Road Runners virtual marathon is allowing runners to race five boroughs virtually, from around the globe. To learn more about and sign up for the Run for Guaranteed Entry or Run for the Medal tiers, visit the Virtual TCS New York City Marathon guide. And if you need a bit of a training boost, enjoy 10% off NYRR Coaching Lab Essentials 26.2 and a 30-day Strava subscription. This is definitely one of the more challenging things to do in New York during COVID, so if you're entering, good luck! Availability: October 17 - November 1 Ages: All ages Great for: Fitness enthusiasts, locals Booking Type: Pre-book Brooklyn Bridge Tours & Rentals by Unlimited Biking Twenty-one elephants walked across the Brooklyn Bridge in 1884. Why not trace their footsteps on your bike in the present day? This Brooklyn Bridge Bike Tours & Rentals brought to you by Unlimited Biking, allows you to see some of the best parts of Brooklyn from the saddle. Opt for an all-day self-guided bike ride or be part of a 2-hour guided bike tour. Spot the Statue of Liberty. See Ellis Island and Staten Island. Coast past New York Harbor. All while soaking in views of the famous New York City skyline. Availability: Daily Ages: All ages Duration: 2 hours Great for: Outdoor types, fitness enthusiasts, sightseers, local explorers Booking Type: Pre-book or join free with The New York Pass Get excited for Halloween Pumpkin picking at Decker Farm If you’re worried about the pandemic affecting your Halloween, it's time to get back into the spirit of the season. Set in Historic Richmond Town, Decker’s Farm is NYC’s oldest working family farm. Impressively, it was also designated a New York landmark in 1967. Visiting the attraction not only supports the farm itself, but bolsters the work they do. They're a key part of the Staten Historical Society, who preserve and present centuries of American life. Have a great day searching the patch for the perfect pumpkin. Learn about the farm. And have some delicious autumnal food, all while making a little slice of history. Availability: Saturdays and Sundays in October Ages: All ages Great for: Families, outdoor enthusiasts, food lovers, history enthusiasts Booking Type: Pre-book Re-embrace culture The Guggenheim Museum The Guggenheim is an NYC architectural masterpiece. It's also home to one of the finest modern art collections in the world. If you haven’t been before, why not go during this quieter period? The museum opens its doors again on October 3, giving adoring art enthusiasts the opportunity to safely experience the art housed within. Ascend the landmark's grand spiral and experience the Guggenheim’s special exhibitions and permanent collections.Availability: Daily from October 3 Ages: All ages Great for: Art & culture lovers, families, sightseers, local explorers Booking Type: Pre-book or enjoy free entry with The New York Pass The Whitney Museum of American Art As a thank you to the local community, The Whitney is asking visitors to donate what they want to enter. Just remember to pre-book. The affordability and general experience of The Whitney make it one of the best things to do in New York during COVID. Explore one of New York City's most prominent art museums, specializing in art from the 20th and 21st centuries. And surprisingly so. It features works from artists like Georgia O'Keeffe, Edward Hopper, Jasper Johns and Jackson Pollock. But the museum has also made a reputation for purchasing art from upcoming artists within the same year the pieces were created. Expect dynamism that captures your attention and imagination from this great museum. Availability: Closed on Tues & Weds Ages: All ages Great for: Art & culture lovers, families, sightseers, local explorers Booking Type: Pre-book or enjoy free entry with The New York Pass The Metropolitan Museum of Art (MoMA) With limited tickets available, it’s worth mentioning from the offset that art lovers need to pre-book early to avoid disappointment. With over 5,000 years of art, more than 2 million works and more than 30 annual exhibits behind its doors, it’s no wonder the Met is one of the most famous museums in the world. Discover the art centre of the city (and one of the best things to do in New York during COVID). Availability: Daily - check the official site for updates Ages: All ages Great for: Art & culture lovers, families, sightseers, local explorers Booking Type: Pre-book or enjoy free entry with The New York Pass Be a part of nature The Brooklyn Botanic Garden The Brooklyn Botanic Garden is New York’s beloved oasis. From the 500-year-old Shogun lantern from Japan to its Fragrance Garden for the visually impaired, the attraction is an amazing piece of American horticultural history. And it's home to secrets that make every visit unique. Creating a paradox between the city’s urban landscape, every garden on display showcases a rich and diverse mix of botany in every color and size. It’s a great day out for the entire family. Kids will love the Children's Garden, which also features award-winning raised fruit and vegetable beds. The project was designed to teach children the importance of a sustainable environment for growing food. Availability: Daily - check the official site for updates Ages: All ages Great for: Families, sightseers, local explorers, nature lovers Booking Type: Pre-book or enjoy free entry with The New York Pass There's still so many things to do in New York during COVID, make sure you check them out. And keep an eye on our attractions page for a reactive list of open and closed attractions.
Suz Pathmanathan

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